Mental Illness Discrimination

Mental Illness Discrimination Lawyer in New York

If you have been discriminated against on the basis of your perceived or actual mental illness, contact the experienced New York medical condition discrimination attorneys at Phillips & Associates. We regularly handle all kinds of medical condition discrimination cases. Contact us today to schedule your initial confidential and complimentary consultation. As with all of our employment discrimination cases, we don’t receive payment until we recover the compensation that you deserve. Contact our qualified mental illness discrimination attorneys today by calling (866) 229-9441.

Employment Discrimination Based on Mental Illness

Mental illness discrimination can take many forms. In essence, it is the unfair or unequal treatment of an individual on the basis of an actual or perceived mental illness. A qualifying mental illness can include a broad range of conditions, including those an individual is born with, or develops later in life. If you have been treated unfairly, such as in being denied a reasonable accommodation, or denied a job opportunity completely because of your mental illness, contact Phillips & Associates today to discuss your rights.

Mental Illness Discrimination Is Prohibited Under New York Law

The New York State Human Rights Law (HRL) protects individuals from being discriminated against on the basis of a handicap or disability. The definition includes a mental impairment, which is the result of:

  • anatomical
  • physiological
  • genetic, or
  • neurological impairment

Additionally, in order to be protected by the law, the impairment must inhibit some typical manner in which the body functions, or be otherwise objectively demonstrable by a medically accepted clinical or laboratory diagnostic technique. Alternatively, so long is there is a record of such impairment, or the condition is regarded by others as an impairment. The New York law does not require a showing that regarding how the impairment affects an individual, rather it only requires that an individual be able to show that they have the mental impairment. Thus, because of the way the definition is written, the potential conditions that may fall within the protections are vast.

Federal law provides additional protections for individuals against discrimination on the basis of their mental illness in the workplace. For example, during the recruiting process, the ADA prohibits employers from inquiring into an applicant’s actual or perceived disability, any workers’ compensation history, prescription drug use, or regarding medical exams.

If You Are a Victim of Mental Illness Discrimination, Contact Employment Discrimination Attorneys at Phillips & Associates

If you believe you have been unlawfully discriminated against due to your mental illness, you should consult the skilled New York medical condition discrimination lawyers at Phillips & Associates today. The attorneys at Phillips & Associates know that your medical condition can be difficult enough without the additional stress of unfair treatment and discrimination. We are dedicated to upholding your rights, and we will dedicate our time to ensuring you recover the compensation you deserve.

You can contact us through our website, or by calling (866) 229-9441 to schedule your initial free and confidential consultation. Certain statutes of limitations may apply, so you shouldn’t wait any longer to pursue your rights.

What Our Clients Say:

    "He covered every angle and was able to help me with my dispute. I would recommend Jesse Weinstein and Phillips and Associates in the future to anyone."

    - Margaret

    "Being in the restaurant industry for more than 30 years I can say that this law firm is the number one choice for workers in the restaurant business that need to sue their company for wrongful termination."

    - Massimo

    "He was extremely patient and understanding throughout the process and remained professional and consistent even when I could not. I really felt like he had my back and I didn't have to worry."

    - Karen